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Leave your limits behind!
The training and the practice of Kalari are essentially free of limitations in terms of space. With one’s own body, everyone already has the necessary tools to begin or continue training anywhere in the world. Our wide range of videos and the live sessions allow us to respond individually to the needs of our students. Through the English language this is also possible independent of the German speaking region. We want to give everyone the opportunity to realize their own wonderful potential and to overcome their individual limitations.
Consciously challenging
Today’s digital possibilities expand the traditional concept of Kalari. Through our online courses, training is very flexible in terms of space and time. Our students can attend to the given lessons independently and autonomously. Commitment and discipline, however, remain the foundation of our teaching and learning: Despite the physical distance, we place emphasis on recognizing, activating and utilizing the unique potential of our students. This is and will always be the ambition of our training. We therefore expect committed participation in the online training, just as we do in the on-site training. Only then can a strong body and a strong mind be formed in a sustainable way.
Primordially healthy
Modern times and tradition go together very well. The Kalari lessons assist us in our everyday life: as a “movement break” at work or as a relaxed way to end the day. Our online library offers room for moments of tranquility and communication with one’s own body at any time. This creates an ideal balance and equilibrium, which unfortunately often falls short in hectic everyday life. Kalari offers an excellent anchor to pause and become an active player in one’s own life again.
Lasting adaptability
Our wide range of videos and live sessions give us the opportunity to respond to the needs of our students individually and to pick them up from where they are in their training. Flexibility is one of the fundamental principles of Kalari. That is why it is a given for us that everyone can take part in the training regardless of where they are located. Together we create the foundation that leads to a better understanding of one’s own body through individual, profound engagement with one’s own body. For this purpose, lessons can be easily repeated and deepened at any time and as often as desired.
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